Healing Arts

The Healing Arts Program provides a nurturing environment for creative expression. Music groups, writing workshops, open studio, yoga, mindfulness, and experiential learning field trips are all a part of this program. Every April, SPY youth artists create and produce an art show and music showcase. This is part of our growing Social Enterprise Program in which 70% of all art sales go directly to the artist and 30% returns to the Healing Arts Program. You can invest in our youth art by visiting The Color of Hope Collective website. Continue reading to learn more about what we offer on-site.

This incredible program at SPY gives youth a safe environment for exploration. Youth experiencing homelessness from a wide variety of traumatic backgrounds, and when given the chance to create art and express themselves in a safe, supported and judgment-free space, they have the opportunity to heal from trauma they may be carrying with them. Art allows our young people the opportunity to recognize feelings, connect to their identity, build self-esteem, develop self-management and improve impulse control, identify and label feelings, increase attention to detail, and improve and learn about decision-making. Creative self-expression is a core component to an individual's social and mental health, both because of the skills that are learned, and the healing that takes place. 

The Art Studio is open 3 days a week during Access Center hours, offering an open studio setup, that includes supplies for painting, drawing, clay, and many other mediums. Dependent on the generous donations of supplies that come from private members of the community and local businesses, the Art Studio remains prepared for any creative endeavor an individual might wish to pursue. Paintings and other projects line the white walls of the studio, featuring recent creations of anyone who wishes to hang their art for public display.

The Healing Arts program relies on volunteer facilitators from the community and local organizations to share their skills, talents, and expertise by leading skills-based workshops, therapeutic sessions, and experiential learning opportunities including painting, jewelry making, clay, creative writing, mixed media, and music and more. Experiential Learning opportunities include local museum trips, photography field trips, and the opportunity to participate in art shows and music performances.



The Healing Arts Program at SPY also includes weekly drop-in meditation sessions. SPY is incredibly fortunate to be in partnership with skilled facilitators from InsightLA, who has provided Mindfulness Meditation for both youth and staff, and Against the Stream. Other healers and meditation instructors from the community lead varying types of healing sessions, as well. Entering the Art Studio at anytime, you are likely to find half the room dedicated to a sitting circle, where youth members are welcome to sit, seeking a moment of silence or respite. Mediation is proven to decrease pain, support the immune system, and increase one’s ability to cope with mental and emotional challenges.

Yoga and Movement

Yoga sessions occur on a weekly basis, giving youth the opportunity to practice strengthening mind-body connection, deep breathing, and physical activity. Partnerships with local studios bring in donations of yoga props and skilled yoga teachers, who focus on relevant aches and pains that youth members feel. Movement programming also includes Tai Chi, taught by a youth member of SPY, and dance classes, taught by local teachers. Movement is important in decreasing stress and integral in creating a connection to the body.



Music plays an incredibly large role in the lives of the youth individuals who participate in the Healing Arts Program at SPY, from headphones to small portable speakers, to singing and dancing. To support these musical desires the Healing Arts Program has hosted open mic, jam sessions, and songwriting sessions, in partnership with local organizations, businesses in the field, and music professionals. Weekly drumming sessions allow for a meditative and group collaborative experience, increasing the ability to relax and focus. Music plays a large part in emotional control and regulation and allows for an alternative method of communication and expression.

The Healing Arts Program at SPY partner organizations include UCLA Creative Minds, UCLArts and Healing, Venice Arts, Venice Playa Rotary Club, The Hammer Museum, InsightLA, and many more.
